Can Blurry Vision Go Away

Can Blurry Vision Go Away 1

Can Blurry Vision Be Cure Naturally?

The cause of blurry vision can be attributed to refractive error or medical conditions that require treatment. If your blurry vision is due to dry eyes, allergies, or prolonged use of a computer screen, there are natural remedies and lifestyle changes that will likely help you.

Blurry vision occurs when the image is blurry, which makes it difficult to see fine details. In order to improve the clarity of your vision, you may need to squint.

Depending on your age or health condition, you may experience blurry vision as you age. You may also experience blurry vision after staring at a screen for prolonged periods of time, such as those on your computer or tablet.

The underlying cause of blurry vision should be determined before trying to protect or even improve your vision naturally.

Consider having your eyes examined by a professional if you are experiencing blurred vision that is getting worse over time.

What causes blurry vision and how to treat it naturally

The following are a few home remedies or lifestyle changes that can be used to treat blurry vision naturally:

The eyes are dry

Blurry vision is commonly associated with dry eyes, particularly when you first wake up in the morning. Using a fan at night or living in a hot climate can exacerbate the condition.

It is also possible to suffer from dry eyes and blurred vision when you sleep with your contacts in, or if you stare at a computer screen for extended periods of time without blinking.

Symptoms of allergies

The symptoms of allergy include itchy eyes, sneezing, runny noses, and nasal congestion. Other symptoms can include runny noses, nasal congestion, and blurry vision.

Using a screen for an extended period of time can cause eye strain

The condition is sometimes referred to as digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome when it occurs after looking and focusing at something for a long period of time.

Abrasion of the cornea

The cornea is the clear covering at the front of your eye. A corneal abrasion is caused by a scratch or injury to the cornea.

You may have blurry vision as well as a feeling as if something is inside your eye as a result of corneal abrasions caused by fingernails, tree branches, or makeup brushes.

In cases where the corneal abrasion is small, it will likely heal on its own within a few days, however in cases where it is large, medical attention may be required.

Temperatures below freezing

In addition to excessively cold temperatures, cold air is also dryer than warmer air, which can also contribute to blurred vision.

Medically necessary causes

Natural or home remedies are unlikely to be helpful for other causes of blurry vision, such as:

Errors in vision

The following are examples of refractive errors.

  • Farsightedness (hyperopia)

  • Irregular vision (myopia)

  • A condition in which the vision is blurred or distorted (astigmatism)

  • It is natural for people to lose their ability to focus on objects that are close to them as they age because of presbyopia

The most common treatment for refractive errors is eyeglasses or contacts, however, there are some cases in which surgery may be an option.

Conjunctivitis (infections)

This infection can cause itchy eyes, eye pain, and blurry vision. Conjunctivitis is also called pink eye, and is an infection of the outer wall of the eye.

A virus usually causes the infection, although bacteria and allergies can also cause it. In the event that the infection is caused by bacteria, antibiotic eye drops may be necessary to treat the condition.

Infections of the eyes

Blurred vision can be caused by a variety of eye diseases, including:

  • The cataract

  • Degeneration of the retina due to age-related factors (AMD)

  • An optic nerve injury

  • Inflammatory eye disease

  • Ocular inflammation

  • Astigmatism

  • Syndrome of dry eyes

  • Detachment of the retina (an emergency situation)

Inflammatory diabetes

In addition to diabetic retinopathy (DR), which is also a leading cause of blindness among American adults, diabetes is also a metabolic disorder associated with high blood sugar levels.

A person with diabetic retinopathy suffers gradually from damage to the blood vessels of the retina. Treatment involves taking medications to control your blood sugar levels and may also require eye surgery or other treatments.

Symptoms of Graves’ disease

Graves’ disease, a thyroid disease that causes blurry or double vision, may cause eye symptoms if left untreated.


The small blood vessels of the eye can be affected by high blood pressure, as well as the rest of the body.

It is possible for high blood pressure to narrow the blood vessels in the retina, resulting in reduced blood flow and swelling. Over time, this can result in vision problems and damage the blood vessels.

Treatments for blurry vision that are natural

It may be possible for you to see more clearly by following these natural treatments and lifestyle changes, depending on the cause of your blurry vision:

Recuperation and rest

If you sit at a computer for long periods of time, you should take breaks every 20 minutes, following the 20-20-20 rule. Our eyes are sensitive and need rest just like the rest of our bodies, so make sure you are getting enough good sleep.

You may follow the 20-20-20 rule by shifting your gaze to an object at least 20 feet away every 20 minutes for a period of 20 seconds.

Eyes should be lubricated

Dry eyes may cause blurry vision, and you may be able to alleviate it by blinking a few times or gently massaging the eyelids with a warm compress. This will stimulate the meibomian glands.

Additionally, artificial tears are available over the counter at your local drug store or online. They prevent dry eyes caused by straining by keeping the eyes lubricated.

Air quality should be improved

To prevent dry eyes, use a humidifier when living in a dry climate. If possible, avoid blowing air directly onto your face at night.

Put an end to smoking

There are a number of eye diseases that can result from smoking, including AMD, cataracts, and damage to the optic nerve, and cigar smoke can also irritate dry eyes.

Allergens should be avoided

It is important to avoid whatever triggers your allergies in order to prevent and treat them.

It is recommended that you clean your bedroom frequently if you are allergic to dust, in order to prevent the buildup of dust which can affect your eyes while you sleep.

It is recommended that you close the windows if you suffer from allergies caused by the outdoors and use an air conditioning system that can remove allergens.

Some antihistamine eye drops can be purchased over-the-counter (OTC) and others require a prescription. If these strategies do not work for you, you may want to consult your doctor about antihistamine eye drops.

Omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed

Omega-3 fatty acids have shown some positive effects in treating dry eye symptoms in people. Additional research is necessary to confirm these findings.

A supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids can be purchased, but you can also obtain omega-3 fatty acids by increasing your consumption of the following foods:

  • Fish with fat

  • Invertebrates

  • The flaxseed

  • Nuts

Taking omega-3 supplements can increase bleeding risks, so you should consult a medical professional before doing so.

Eye protection is essential

Wearing sunglasses in the sun is one of the best ways to protect your eyes. Ensure that the sunglasses block out both UVA and UVB light.

Additionally, sunglasses provide protection from the sun when it is cold and dry. They are also effective when there is snow covering the ground, reflecting the light into your eyes. They can also provide protection from the wind as well.

Vitamin A should be taken

It is possible to have dry eyes and other vision problems as a result of a diet that is low in vitamin A-containing foods.

It is possible to obtain vitamin A in two forms:

  • A variety of animal products, including dairy products, liver, and fish, contain the antioxidants retinol and retinyl esters

  • Among the plant-based foods that contain provitamin A carotenoids are:

    • The sweet potato

    • The carrot

    • Cauliflower

    • The red pepper

    • Veggies

    • Brussel sprouts

The American Heart Association recommends that men receive 900 micrograms (mcg) and women receive 700 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A each day. Research supports this recommendation.

There is evidence that vitamin A reduces the risk of AMD and other eye disorders, however, the use of any supplement should be accompanied by caution.

In addition to being fat-soluble, vitamin A accumulates in the body over time and may cause serious side effects if it is taken in excess.

Contact lenses should be cleaned regularly

Those who wear contact lenses should wash their hands thoroughly and clean the lenses properly. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disinfecting your contact lenses. Do not wear your lenses to bed as this may lead to health problems.

Symptoms of blurry vision that cannot be treated naturally

Some people recommend eye exercises to improve blurry vision, such as rolling the eyes back and forth. However, these exercises do not provide any credible scientific evidence that they will help improve blurry vision.

It is recommended that you consume a well-balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables rather than supplementing your diet. The following vitamins can be found in leafy greens and other colorful fruits and vegetables:

  • Asparagus

  • A sweet potato

  • Cayenne peppers

  • Brussel sprouts

  • Arugula

Consult a doctor or nutritionist if you are uncertain how to achieve a balanced diet. Vitamin supplements are not a substitute for adequate nutrition.

Consultation with a professional when necessary

In most cases, you do not have to see a physician if the blurriness resolves after blinking or trying other home remedies. However, if your vision becomes increasingly blurry over time and the blurriness persists, you should consult with an eye care professional for assistance.

A physician who specializes in eye care, such as an optometrist or an ophthalmologist, may recommend that you undergo a comprehensive eye examination in addition to other tests.

The following symptoms should be reported to 911 if your vision suddenly becomes blurry and you experience any of them:

  • Headache of severe severity

  • Speaking difficulties

  • Having difficulty controlling your muscles on one side of your body

  • Drooping of the facial muscles

It may be an indication of a stroke.

In addition, you should seek medical attention if you experience blurry vision after a head injury as this could be a sign of concussion.


Blurred vision may be caused by refractive error, or it may be due to a disease that requires medical treatment. Although there are some natural ways to protect and even improve your vision, this largely depends on its cause.

There are natural remedies and lifestyle changes that may help you if your blurry vision is caused by dry eyes, allergies, or excessive screen use. However, if your blurry vision persists, you should see an eye care professional for a comprehensive eye examination.

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