How to properly clean and care for your glasses

How to properly clean and care for your glasses 1

Wash your face, clean your teeth, anti-bac your shopping trolley. We’ve all had to step up our daily cleaning regime lately but, be honest, how well do you really care for your eyewear? The answer is probably ‘Not well enough’. Well, fear not, we’re here to walk you through the Dos and Don’ts of freshening up your face furniture, here’s our glasses care guide.

We get it; you’re busy. It’s tough enough remembering to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ while you wash your hands, let alone finding the time to give your specs a daily spa sesh. But a regular cleaning routine for your glasses is totally worth it. Not only will it keep your spectacles in tip top condition for longer, but it also means you’ll be able to see stuff better. And, let’s face it, isn’t that the whole point of wearing glasses in the first place?

Here’s our finest ensemble of Do’s and Dont’s for glasses care :


Do clean your glasses every day. Dirt attracts dirt so a little daily polish will help stop the build-up of residue on your lenses. Make this part of your morning glasses care routine – perhaps while enjoying your breakfast brew?!

Do wash your lenses with water before wiping them. A daily bath will help wash away dirt and dust. Even tiny particles can settle on your lenses and, if wiped around, can cause scratches. (use warm water not cold or boiling)

Do allow your lenses to air dry. Just as you would with an 80’s perm, allow your glasses to air dry naturally if you can. (once dry wipe with a clean cotton cloth)

Do use a soft cleaning cloth. They should be 100% cotton and stored somewhere nice and clean. It just so happens that we sell some of the best washable micro-fibre cleaning cloths that are just perfect for a spot of lens polishing. Micro-fibre cloths contain approximately 200,000 fibres per inch of fabric and and these tiny fibres can trap much more dust, than traditional cleaning cloths. And then you can just pop them in the washing machine and use them again and again and again!

Do use specially formulated sprays. Spritz each side of the lens and gently rub in a circular motion from the centre out with a soft lens cloth until dry.

Do handle your glasses correctly. You don’t have to be Popeye to accidently bend your specs, so always grip the frame where it crosses the bridge of your nose and remove your glasses using both hands at each temple so the hinges don’t stretch on one side.

Do use a hard-shell case. Your glasses work hard for you, so tuck them away somewhere nice and cosy when you’re not using them.

Do lay glasses down with their lenses facing upwards. Unless you’re placing them on a strip of sterilised silk, always place your specs with folded arms down and lenses up.


Don’t wipe your lenses on your jumper – even if you’re wearing the M&S Luxury range. Your winter woollies might feel good to you, but they feel like a badger’s derrière to your lenses. The fibres in the fabric will cause tiny scratches, which, over time, will collect dirt.

Don’t use paper towels to dry your lenses. Or napkins, or tissues. Not even those big soft ones that are kind to your schnozzle when you have the sniffles.

Don’t spit on your lenses to clean them. Saliva can contain oils that are damaging. Plus it’s totally gross.

Don’t leave your glasses by a sink or dresser. Splatters and spray from soaps and perfume can make your lenses harder to clean and damage anti-reflective coating.

Although we considered ourselves ‘eyewear experts’ (25 years optical experience anyone?), we’re always open to learning new tips and tricks. Since launching Low Cost Glasses, we’ve realised how inventive/ creative our customers are so if you have anything to add, we’d absolutely LOVE to hear from you!

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