How To Reduce Eye Strain From Screens

How To Reduce Eye Strain From Screens 1

These eight tips will help you reduce the strain caused by digital screens

In recent studies, it has been calculated that the average person spends approximately seven hours a day in front of a digital screen.

Despite this sounding exorbitant, consider that you spend most of your time online, working, learning and attending meetings. This does not include scrolling through your phone messages, checking your social media accounts, watching videos or playing video games.

However, excessive device usage can adversely affect your eye health and vision, even though the digital world offers many benefits. Computer vision syndrome (CVS), also known as digital eye strain (DES), is characterized by fatigue, headaches, dry eyes, blurry vision, neck and shoulder pain, and blurry vision as a result of excessive screen time.

The good news is that there are ways to reduce the likelihood of CVS and make screen time more comfortable for your eyes.

Our top eight tips are as follows:

1. Do not expose yourself to bright light

If your screen is too bright, whether it be the natural sunlight or harsh fluorescent bulbs, you may experience eye strain. Take measures to block excessive light by closing blinds and curtains, and consider the use of lower intensity light bulbs and adding a glare filter to the device.

2. Make sure your screen settings are correct

Changing the text size, the brightness of the screen, the color contrast and the color temperature on your device can significantly enhance your visual clarity and comfort, as well as reduce the risk of CVS.

3. Blink Frequently

People tend to blink less frequently when they look at a digital screen, according to studies. In order to reduce the risk of dry eyes, a common CVS symptom exacerbated by eye strain and eye fatigue, blinking lubricates the eyes and reduces the risk of dry eyes. Therefore, during the use of your digital device, make a conscious effort to blink more frequently.

4. Take Frequent Breaks

A brief break from your screen will give your eyes a much needed rest, as well as reduce your risk of CVS. If you do not have the opportunity to get away from your desk, or if you are unable to do so, at least practice the 20-20-20 rule.

5. Ensure that you are sitting in a comfortable chair

An ideal office chair is one that provides a combination of comfort and support, as well as promoting good posture. Maintaining good posture and sitting up straight can help prevent the neck and shoulder pain that is often associated with CVS.

6. Adjust the screen’s position

A computer screen should be positioned at least four to eight inches below eye level, so the screen’s center is about an arm’s length away from your eyes. This helps to reduce eye strain and neck and shoulder problems.

7. Invest in a High-Quality Digital Device

We recommend that you upgrade your computer to a new device with an anti-reflective screen and a large device with high definition. Please note that some devices and computer screens offer greater visual comfort than others.

8. Schedule Regular Eye Exams

CVS symptoms can be exacerbated or caused by a variety of eye conditions or vision problems. It is important to maintain your eye health and keep your optical prescription current with regular eye examinations.

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