Signs You Need Glasses

Signs You Need Glasses 1

How To Know if You Need Glasses

Did you ever find yourself squinting at a line of text and wondering whether you needed glasses?

In addition to not being able to read the blackboard in class, blurry objects in the distance, etc., there are other symptoms that indicate a need for prescription glasses. There are a number of symptoms that we may not immediately associate with our vision, such as headaches or watery eyes.

A visit to the optometrist is the only way to determine for certain whether you need glasses. Recognizing the signs you may require glasses can help you decide whether it is time to schedule a consultation.

Signs You Might Need Glasses

Night Blindness

It is possible that you are experiencing night blindness if you have difficulty discerning your surroundings while driving at night or walking from the bedroom to the bathroom during the middle of the night. As night blindness may worsen over time, it is important to schedule an appointment with an optometrist as soon as possible to prevent it from worsening.

Squinting To See Clearly

It is sometimes possible to improve your vision by squinting if you are having difficulty seeing something in detail. However, if you are frequently squinting to see more clearly, you may wish to have an eye examination.

Watery Eyes

You might be experiencing vision problems if your eyes are watery. However, watery eyes can also be an indicator of other health conditions, such as allergies, dry eyes, or thyroid issues. Consult your optometrist and/or primary care provider if your eyes are excessively watering.

Rubbing Your Eyes

If you begin to rub your eyes throughout the day, you may be experiencing eye fatigue. This may indicate that you are experiencing problems seeing and may require glasses to correct your vision. (Anti-fatigue lenses are particularly beneficial for people who are prone to eye strain.)

Blurry Vision

You may need glasses if you have difficulty focusing on blurred objects, whether they are far away or close up. If you have difficulty reading street signs while driving or reading text in books, you may benefit from eyeglasses.

Double Vision

In addition to eye disorders, double vision may also be a sign of other health conditions. The severity of double vision varies, but it is important to seek immediate attention. It is recommended that you make an appointment with your optometrist and/or primary care provider as soon as possible if you experience double vision.

Frequent Headaches

It is not always the case that headaches are indicative of vision problems. However, frequent headaches, especially those that occur at midday or after staring at screens for a long period of time, may be indicative of problems that could be corrected with corrective lenses.

Common Eye Problems That Require Glasses

It may be necessary for you to obtain glasses if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms (visiting an optometrist will help you determine this). However, what does each of these symptoms really mean? What is the reason for needing glasses in the first place?

It is estimated that refractive errors are the most common type of vision problems. Refractive errors are caused by the shape and structure of the eye (or structures within it) preventing incoming light from being focused on the retina.

  • Astigmatism

  • Presbyopia

  • Nearsightedness (aka Myopia)

  • Farsightedness (aka Hyperopia)

If you experience any of these symptoms, you may have one of these common eye conditions.


Astigmatism occurs when the cornea of the eye (the clear layer on the front) or the lens (the clear, curved disk inside the eye) are shaped abnormally. This abnormality causes light to bend and results in refractive error.

Astigmatism may present with the following symptoms:

  • Poor night vision

  • Squinting to see clearly

  • Blurry vision

  • Headaches

  • Eye strain

In order to diagnose astigmatism, an eye doctor will perform a comprehensive eye examination. Your doctor will choose whether to prescribe eyeglasses, toric contact lenses, or surgery to correct your astigmatism.


This condition occurs most frequently in middle-aged and older adults, and it is a normal part of the aging process. The lens of the eye becomes less flexible as you age and fails to focus light onto the retina as effectively as it used to.

  • Headaches

  • Eye strain

  • Holding reading materials farther away to read them

  • Difficulty seeing materials up close

Presbyopia is a condition that occurs most commonly as people age, usually after the age of 40. Presbyopia can be diagnosed with an eye examination.

The symptoms of presbyopia can be alleviated through simple changes such as reading larger print books, increasing the font size on your phone, using a reading light, and holding reading materials at a greater distance. However, these changes are not lasting solutions. For the purpose of treating presbyopia more effectively, reading glasses, progressive lenses, or multifocal contacts are often recommended.


Typically, nearsightedness, also known as myopia, causes objects that are far away to appear blurry (although it can also affect your near vision). Symptoms of nearsightedness include: Light is focused in front of the retina, rather than on it, due to the shape of the eye.

  • Having difficulty seeing far away objects

  • Squinting in order to see clearly

  • Strain on the eyes

In spite of their rarity, nearsighted people may have regular headaches. People with severe nearsightedness, also known as high myopia, may also be more likely to develop other eye disorders.

During a comprehensive eye exam, nearsightedness is determined. If you are nearsighted, you may be prescribed eyeglasses or contact lenses by your eye doctor.


The condition of farsightedness is characterized by blurry vision of objects close to you (although it can also affect your distance vision). This is the result of the shape of the eye causing the light to focus behind the retina instead of on it.

  • Having difficulty seeing up close

  • Headaches (especially when reading)

  • Strain on the eyes

An eye doctor can diagnose farsightedness through a comprehensive eye examination. If you are farsighted, your eye doctor may prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses to help you correct your vision.

How Do I Know if I Need Glasses?

The best way to determine if you require glasses is to visit an optometrist. In addition to helping you understand the cause of your vision symptoms, a comprehensive eye exam will help you determine whether you need prescription eyeglasses, readers, contact lenses, or surgery to correct them. It is imperative that you schedule an appointment if you are experiencing any of the symptoms outlined above.

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