What Does Minus 2 Vision Look Like

What Does Minus 2 Vision Look Like 1

How Bad Is My Eye Prescription? What The Numbers Mean

There are a number of symbols and numbers to decipher on your eye prescription, but it is important not to ask ourselves, “how poor is my vision?” but rather, “what can I do to improve my eyesight?”?

There are many numbers and symbols in eye prescriptions, but they are just a way to convey common vision problems. We can help you understand all the different kinds of eye prescriptions.

How To Read Your Prescription

Each vision prescription contains two rows referred to as “O.D.” and “O.S.” The first is known as oculus dexterous, while the latter is known as oculus sinister. The symbol “O.U.,” also known as the oculus ulterque, refers to both eyes. Nevertheless, the symbols and abbreviations go far beyond identifying the eyes individually.

Here is a quick guide to reading your prescription:

  • + sign – A plus sign appears as +1.00 or +2.00 on your vision prescription, which indicates that your lenses will help correct farsightedness and eliminate blurred vision.

  • -Sign – A minus sign will appear as -1.00 or -2.00 on your vision prescription, indicating that your lenses will be used to correct shortsightedness. Your glasses will improve your ability to see distant objects that may now appear blurry.

  • Numbers – Numbers indicate how strong your prescription is. The higher the number, regardless of whether it displays a plus or minus sign, the stronger the prescription is.

  • SPH – This means your vision is uniform across the eye. It is one of the first numbers on your prescription.

  • CYL – This type of correction indicates that you have an astigmatism. This condition causes blurred distance and near vision due to misaligned curves of the eye.

  • Amplification device (ADD) – Amplification device is a device that amplifies objects. It is primarily used for individuals who require a separate prescription to see things up close. On a prescription, you will see ADD: +1.75 OU, which indicates the strength of the lens.

  • AXIS – AXIS is used to instruct the lens manufacturer as to where the astigmatism correction (or CYL) should be placed in the eyeglass lens.

  • P.D. – Pupilar distance is the distance between the centers of the pupils. The lens maker will custom make glasses for you according to your specific measurements, ensuring that they are both comfortable to wear and optically correct.

  • Prism – A prism is added to the lens to aid in correcting any issues preventing the eyes from working together, including double vision and misaligned eyes.

Is My Prescription Bad?

It is important to remember that your prescription does not indicate that your eyes are bad. Your eyes simply need help in order to see clearly. Your prescription indicates what your eyes need to work properly. Wearing glasses or contact lenses is intended to correct your vision.

How Eyesight Changes

An individual’s eyesight changes over time as they age. For example, a child’s vision does not fully develop until he or she reaches the age of seven. An adult’s eyesight also evolves; however, the changes are usually more gradual than those of a child.

It is common for the eyes and their muscles to become weak and stiff with age, making it more difficult for the eyes to adjust to light and darkness, which can make it difficult to see at night when driving.

Here are a few common eye conditions:

  • Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve, which results in permanent vision loss. It is often associated with high eye pressure, which can also lead to damage to the optic nerve. It is the leading cause of blindness among adults over 60 years of age.

  • Cataracts develop when the lens of your eye, which is usually clear, begins to cloud, causing your vision to become blurry.

  • An age-related macular degeneration results from damage to the macula in the retina, which impacts the central vision and causes blurry vision.

When To Schedule An Appointment

It is recommended that you visit your optometrist at least once a year in order to maintain optimal eye health. Your eye exam is more than just a prescription check. It also allows your optometrist to detect eye conditions or diseases at an earlier stage.

You should schedule an appointment with your optometrist if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Headache

  • Red, dry, or itchy eyes

  • Floaters or flashes of light

  • Diabetes or glaucoma in the family

  • Motion sickness or eye strain

  • Having difficulty reading close-up objects

  • Changes in eye sight, especially following an injury or trauma

  • Difficulty driving at night

An annual eye examination is the best way to ensure that your prescription is updated regularly, so if you cannot remember the date of your last appointment, it is time to schedule one.

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