Wearing Glasses Makes Me Tired

Wearing Glasses Makes Me Tired 1

Why Wearing Glasses Makes Me Tired?

Eye fatigue causes

In most cases, eye fatigue occurs for a variety of reasons. Here are some of them:

Tiredness of the muscles

It is responsible for adjusting your eyes’ lenses to allow you to focus on distant or close objects. The ciliary muscle can be found inside the eye. It struggles to focus on nearby objects when it is overused, particularly for extended periods of time. The ciliary muscles are unable to contract and relax when you stare at an object for an extended period of time. This makes it harder for them to adjust your lenses and provide clear vision when you stare at the object for an extended period of time.

In addition to the extraocular muscles, there are six extraocular muscles per eye, which are responsible for maintaining stability, clarity, and strain-free vision.

Whenever our extraocular muscles contract rapidly as a result of looking at an object for a prolonged period of time, they become overworked and strained. As with all muscles, our extraocular muscles require time to rest, relax, and gain energy to function appropriately. In the absence of this rest, overwork can result in strained, tired eyes, as well as possibly eye health conditions if left unchecked.

Ocular surface disease

Those with ocular surface diseases often have difficulty focusing on objects due to the dryness of their eye surface. In this condition, there is not enough natural lubrication on the eye’s surface. As a result, the eye’s surface film becomes prone to tears, and it cannot easily repair itself. This dryness results in the eyes feeling drained and tired, which leads to eye fatigue.

Glare on computer screens

In most cases, eye fatigue occurs as a result of exposure to computer or mobile device screen glare. When the brightness of your screen isn’t controlled, the exposure to the screen drains your eye’s energy by processing either too bright or too low glares.

It is for this reason that screens should be periodically adjusted to suit the brightness intake of your eyes. The use of fluorescent lighting can lead to eye fatigue, which can adversely affect your productivity. Avoid looking at fluorescent lighting, and ensure the computer screen lighting is comfortable for your eyes.

The symptoms of eye fatigue

A person suffering from eye fatigue may experience severe symptoms or mild symptoms. Here are a few symptoms that may indicate that you are suffering from eye fatigue:

  • Blurry vision or distorted vision

  • A frequent occurrence of doubles

  • Constant feeling of dryness

  • The color of your eyes is almost always red or pink

  • Closing your eyes causes your eyes to feel warm and sore

  • Increased frequency of headaches

  • A feeling of tightness in the temples, neck, and back

  • Tears and watery eyes

How can you treat eye fatigue?

It is possible to improve your eye health by changing a few lifestyle factors. Adjusting the lighting at work, elevating your laptop or computer to another level, and sitting farther away from the screen are all suggestions for improving your eye health.

Reduce exposure to glare

The lighting around your computer screen may be adjusted to reduce glare from the screen. For example, if you have a lamp near the computer that causes glare on the screen, you may want to consider repositioning the lamp.

Dimmer switches have also been shown to decrease screen glare and can be an effective remedy for eye fatigue. Glare filters can also help with screen glare as they absorb the excess glare and prevent it from being absorbed by your eyes.

Change your location

In addition, you may want to adjust your monitor’s height so that it is elevated above the level of your head, but slightly lower than the level of your eye. Additionally, keep your monitor at a distance of 20–28 inches from your face, so that it does not strain or fatigue your eyes.

Take some time off the screen

Having your eyes fatigued is especially important when you are seated in front of a screen for extended periods of time. Get up from your seat, wash your eyes, and drink some water to replenish your eyes. As a result, you will also be able to reduce eye fatigue by giving your muscles some time to rest while you are away from the screen.

Another recommendation is to follow the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes spent on a screen, take a break to look at something about 20 feet away for approximately 20 seconds.

Ensure that you wear prescription computer glasses

The use of eye drops, a break from the screen, and changing the lighting can sometimes be insufficient to relieve chronic eye fatigue or extreme eye fatigue. Alternatively, you can wear glasses designed to block excessive blue light from digital screens as an additional solution to protect your eyes.

A pair of customised computer glasses can only be obtained by visiting your optometrist, who will complete an eye examination and provide them to you after the examination. They are preferable to contact lenses since they do not dry up and do not cause eye discomfort when worn for extended periods of time.

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