What Did People Do Before Glasses

What Did People Do Before Glasses 1

What People Do Before Glasses Were invented

If corrective lenses suddenly disappeared from the Earth, those of us who rely on modern optical technology to function would be in serious trouble.

Even though the possibility of eyeglasses disappearing into thin air is extremely remote, the concept puts things into perspective and makes you contemplate how people lived before glasses.

The issue of corrective lenses goes much deeper than simply being unable to see. It is important to understand why people need the lenses in the first place before we delve into the exciting topic of what people used to do before glasses were invented.

Why Some People Require Vision Correction

Various medical conditions may contribute to the need for glasses, which we cannot cover in this post. Nevertheless, the following are some of the most common medical conditions that would require the use of corrective lenses:

  • Myopia: also known as nearsightedness, is a condition in which the individual cannot clearly see objects that are far away.

  • Hyperopia: Hyperopia (farsightedness) is the opposite of myopia in that it impairs one’s ability to see nearby objects clearly.

  • Presbyopia: refers to the loss of near focus ability as a result of aging, typically occurring after the age of 40.

  • Macular Degeneration: Also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), this condition is caused by the retina becoming deteriorated.

  • Astigmatism: Simply stated, astigmatism refers to the fact that the eye does not have a perfect round shape, causing light to be bent in one direction more than in another, resulting in objects appearing blurry or distorted.

  • Cataracts: Cloudy areas develop in the lens of the eye resulting in changes in vision, such as sensitivity to light and blurry vision.

In light of the above, you can see that people might require glasses for many reasons. We hope you understand how important it would be if prescription eyewear and reading glasses were no longer available. However, it is still an excellent reminder of what our ancestors did before glasses were invented when they were afflicted with vision-related conditions.

What Did People Do Before Glasses?

Prior to the invention of glasses, civilization had been dealing with vision issues in numerous ways. At the end of the day, people simply adjusted and accommodated their other four senses to compensate for not being able to see instead of corrective lenses.

Despite this, the answer to this age-old question remains unclear. Even Niel Handley, Curator of the BPA Museum at the College of Optometrists in London, noted that the way people experienced vision problems before the advent of corrective lenses remains unclear.

In answering this question, we know that it truly depends on which “people” you are referring to. In early nomadic societies, people with vision problems were shunned and forced to survive on their own in harsh environments; however, religious societies were more humane and provided extraordinary care for vision impaired citizens for fear of divine punishment.

The Evolution of Eyeglasses

We are easily able to obtain the lenses we need to function and contribute to social progress, whether it is a progressive no-line bifocal reader to correct presbyopia or a prescription contact lens to correct an astigmatism.

However, it was not until the 13th century that corrective eyewear was invented; it took centuries of trial and error. The history of corrective eyewear is complex, and the invention of the spectacle was not until the 13th century. Despite this, development was slow, and modern glasses did not take shape until the 19th century.

The new generation of glasses are not only functional, but also fashionable. They are available in a variety of styles, colors, and shapes from top designers such as Coach, Prada, Ray-Ban, and more. All in all, glasses are no longer just utilitarian but have become a stylish fashion statement.

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